Witold Młóciński
Witold Młóciński
Born in 1956 in Gdańsk – theoretician, composer, teacher.
In 1976 he started university education at Music Academy in Gdańsk at the Department of Composition and Music Theory, He studied music theory and received the diploma in 1982. In 1979 he studied music composition in the group taught by professor Konrad Pałubicki and since 1980 by professor Ewa Synowiec. In 1979 he started working as a teacher of music-related subjects in the F. Nowowiejski National Music General School (1979-84) in Gdańsk, in the K. Wiłkomirski National Music Schools Complex of the first and second level in Elbląg (1981-82) and S. Moniuszko Music Academy in Gdańsk (1982-83).
Since 1982 he has been connected with Bydgoszcz music community as a pedagogue at the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music as well as the A. Rubinstein National Music School Complex (1984-89 and since 1993) as well as Pedagogical Academy (1990-92). He teaches the following subjects: ear training, concertina, music principles as well as methodology of teaching these subjects. In 1993-99 he was the dean of the Department of Composition and Music Theory at the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music, in 1998-99 He was the Editor-in-Chief of the AM publishing house. Since 1999 he has been working as the Director of Pedagogical Study Center. From 1995 to 2016 he was a member of the Varsity Ear Training Department at AMFC in Warsaw and in 1983 he was accepted into the Youth Circle of Polish Composers Union.
He participated in seminars and scientific-methodological conferences in Gdańsk, Wrocław, Warsaw. Numerous times he has served as a president, vice-president and juror at the Regional Solfège Contests in Bydgoszcz (since 1993) as well as a juror at the Varsity Fugue Contest (since 1994 organized by the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz). In 1994 he served as the Secretary of the Jury of the Third Jan Paderewski All-Poland Piano Competition in Bydgoszcz. At Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz he also served as the disciplinary spokesman for students, the secretary of the academic Recruitment Committee and the Chair of the Academic Election Committee. In 1994 he began the tradition of the yearly student composer concerts (Musica Prattica). He was awarded the Academy of Music Chancellor’s awards as well as the Silver Cross of Merit (1999) and the President of Bydgoszcz Medal (2004).