Michał Marcinkowski
Michał Marcinkowski
Michał Marcinkowski was born in Bydgoszcz in 1982. He studied at the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz, in Prof. Henryk Keszkowski’s violin class and graduated from the Academy with the degree of Master of Music in instrumental music, in 2006. He has also studied baroque violin at the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz in Mrs. Irmgard Schaller- Gwilt’s class. He has continued studies in Mr. Daniel Deuter’s class and graduated with the degree of Master of Music in 2015. Now he continues PhD studies on the baroque violin with Prof. Katarzyna Bąkowska and teaches at the Department of Early Music at the same Academy.
Michał Marcinkowski has been working with Pomeranian Philharmonics in Bydgoszcz since 2007, from 2010 as 2nd violin co-leader. From 2009 he has been working with Capella Thoruniensis chamber orchestra, performing at many festivals, also as a soloist. As a concertmaster he recorded with Capella two albums containing baroque and modern repertoire.
Togheter with colleagues from the Department of Early Music at the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music, he was cofounder of the baroque ensamble Intemperata and the association Akademia Muzyki Dawnej. With Intemperata he performed at many festivals in Poland, also as a soloist. In 2017 Intemperata released first album Gościniec/Alta Via.
Since 2016 he is the member of Arte dei Suonatori baroque orchestra. With Arte dei Suonatori he participated in many international festivals like: Misteria Paschalia, Opera Rara and Actus Humanus in Poland, Copenhagen Opera Festival, Midsommer Baroque in Copenhagen, Trigonale in Maria Saal (Austria), Tage Alter Musik in Regensburg, festivals in Tallin and Riga and at the ceremony of Gramophone Classical Music Awards 2019 in London. As the member of Arte dei Suonatori he recorded and performed live concerts for Polish Radio 2, Danish Radio and Mezzo TV.