Adam Żółkoś
Adam Żółkoś
Senior lecturer Adam Zolkos (Żółkoś) – pianist, composer, orchestrator, record producer, graduate of Secondary Music School in Bydgoszcz – piano class. First authorial pieces were recorded in Bydgoszcz radio studio (currently Radio PIK) while being a secondary school student. Continuation of composing passion were university studies at Jazz and Popular Music Faculty at The Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice – orchestrator and composition, piano. During university years was a double award winner: International Jazz Piano Festival in Kalisz – Grand Prix (1976) and 2nd prize at Jazz Improvisation Festival in Katowice (1977). Afterwards he recorded a solo album ‘Calisia’, which was released in 1977
– rel. Poljazz . In 1977 – 1980 participated in international and domestic jazz festivals
– piano recitals: International Festival ‘Jazz Jamboree’ (1977) Pomeranian Jazz Autumn Festival (1977). Since 1978, as a pianist performed with: Royal Rag Jazz Band and Czeslaw Niemen’s band, whom he held a tour i.e. in East Germany (now Germany) and Czechoslovakia (The Czech Republic, Slovakia) with. In 1980-1983 cooperated with the Poznan Radio Orchestra conducted by Z. Gorny, with whom he implemented a number of authorial instrumental and vocal recordings (dedicated to J. Zagdanska). Since 1983-1985 got involved with Warsaw’s United Entertainment Enterprises (Zjednoczone Przedsiębiorstwa Rozrywkowe ZPR) and Big Warsaw Band big band. The fruit of this cooperation was i.e. participation in the Bratislava Lyre International Festival (1983), Istanbul International Jazz Festival with Big Warsaw Band (Turkey, 1984). As a composer and orchestrator he is an award winner at the National Festival of Polish Song in Opole – ‘Premiere” with songs: ‘Gloves’ (“Rekawiczki”) – honourable mention, 1986; ‘Calm’ (“Spokoj”) 2nd prize, 1990 and at the Sopot International Festival: ‘In the first words of my letter’ (“W pierwszych slowach mego listu”) ‘Gloves’ (“Rekawiczki”) – 3rd prize, 1987; National Festival of Military Song ‘Which we won’t be rewarded’ (“Których nikt nam nie wynagrodzi”) – 1st prize, 1997. In 1987-1997 as a solist, orchestrator and composer cooperated with Alex Band big band conducted by A. Maliszewski, Kukla Band conducted by K. Kukla. Apart from authorial music production he conducted various projects involving actors, vocalists, i.e. piano monodrama ‘Rehearsal’ (“Proba”) – TV theatre, Polish Television (TVP), Channel 1
– 1993. His compositions and recorded productions were released on vinyl and CD’s by i.e. Poljazz, Polish Recordings (Polskie Nagrania), Pamaton, Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz. Since 2004 in addition to concerts he is a lecturer at The Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz (lectured disciplines: composition and arrangement, jazz piano), instrumental and vocal workshops (accompanist, music production), jury member.