Aleksandra Kłaput-Wiśniewska

Aleksandra Kłaput-Wiśniewska

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Aleksandra Kłaput-Wiśniewska

Aleksandra Kłaput-Wiśniewska (senior lecturer) is a graduate of the Faculty of Composition and Music Theory at the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz (1991). In 2004 she obtained her PhD in history from the Institute of History at Kazimierz Wielki Academy in Bydgoszcz (now Kazimierz Wielki University). Since 1990 she has been a researcher at the Centre for the Musical Culture of the Pomerania and Kujawy Region and Folklore Studies, a unit of the Bydgoszcz Academy of Music. She is also a teacher and a feature writer for regional periodicals on culture. She cooperates with the artistic editors of the Polish Radio of Pomerania and Kujawy. She participates in research projects devoted to the study of the history of Bydgoszcz and the region. Her main research interest focuses on issues concerning the artistic output, performance, education, and music reception in the region in the 17th–20th centuries, as well as contemporary musical culture.