Anna Nowak
Anna Nowak
Anna Nowak (full professor) has held the following positions at the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz: Deputy Rector for Artistic and Academic Matters, and International Cooperation (2005 – 2012), Head of the Centre for the Musical Culture of the Pomerania and Kujawy Region and Folklore Studies (1998 – 2006), Chief Editor of the Academy’s Publishing Unit (1994 – 1997, 2005 – 2012), and Dean of the Faculty of Composition, Music Theory and Sound Engineering (2012 – present). She is a member of the Musicologists’ Section of the Polish Composers’ Union and a member of the Bydgoszcz Society of Sciences. Her research focuses on the theory and history of 20th-century Polish music; particularly, genre studies related to the art song, instrumental concerto and mazurka. She has published three monographs: Pomorska Orkiestra Symfoniczna. Idea urzeczywistniona [Eng. The Pomeranian Symphony Orchestra: An Idea Enfleshed] (1994), Współczesny koncert polski. Przemiany gatunku [Eng. The Contemporary Polish Concerto: Transformations of the Genre] (1998) and Mazurek fortepianowy w muzyce polskiej XX wieku [Eng. Piano mazurkas in 20th-century Polish music] (2013). She is the author of several dozen entries in Polish and foreign encyclopaedias, and nearly a hundred papers in collective works published at home and abroad.