Maciej Afanasjew
Maciej Afanasjew
Maciej has graduated from The Academy of Music in Katowice (jazz violin class and composition and arrangement class). He was studying at Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Graz and New York Jazz Academy. Maciej is a Ph. D. student at The Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz in a class of prof. Paweł Radziński.
He cooperated with top musicians, performing in most european countries, USA and China, playing at such festivals as:
EFG London Jazz Festival 2014
XXVI Vilnus Jazz Festival
Delemont Jazz Days 2013
Northeast Jazz Festival 2014
The II International Violin Festival, Toruń 2016
VII Summer Jazz Academy, Łódź I Silesian Jazz Festival
Handelsbeurs Festival 2013, Ghent
Art Rock Festival 2014, Würzburg
The Bydgoszcz Jazz Academy (edition: I, II, III, V)
V Drums Foozje
IV Christian Music Festival, Warszawa
V Lubuskie Music Festival
X International Easy Jazz Festival
X Mózg Festival, Bydgoszcz
27th Leeds International Film Festival
VI International Festival of the Aegean
XVIII International Gospel Festival, Gniew
Gdynia Music Impressions 2013
Music River Festival 2014, Bydgoszcz
Performances of Maciej Afanasjew were broadcasted by Polish National TV 2 („I love what I like” Wojciech Mann Show), 3rd Channell of Polish Radio (Basia Raduszkiwicz „Wild rose” live recording), Český Rozhlas, Magyar Televízió and Polish National TV Katowice („Fives with jazz” and „The Art Roundabout”).
Maciej was awarded a 2nd prize at The All-polish Young Musicians Competition in Bydgoszcz in 2001 and a distinction at The All-polish Jazz Competition in Elbląg at the same year. With a big band of The Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz he received 2nd prize at XVII Big Band Festival in Nowy Tomyśl. Maciej Afanasjew was awarded 1st and 2nd prize at The Composer Contest organised by The Polish Choirs and Orchestras Society in Poznań. In 2013 with Kanaan Maciej received 1st prize and an audience award at III Christian Music Festival in Warsaw. A composition of Maciej To co najlepsze was performed at The New York Wind Band Festival at Carnegie Hall in 2011. He arranged for Basia Włodarska and Anova String Quartet, U Studni, Happy Big Band (Zbigniew Wodecki, Krystyna Prońko, Ewa Bem, Robert Janowski, Andrzej Piaseczny to name a few). Maciej is a composer of music performed during X John Paul II Days in Bydgoszcz.
Maciej Afanasjew is a tutor at The Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz. He was a tutor at XLI International Jazz Workshops in Chodzież (violin class and big band). He is an author of “Jazz passages for violin” and “Quo Vadis” (transribed solos of Zbigniew Seifert), published by The Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz.